Those scissors are screaming

Risultati immagini per fantasy scream

You have every right to be sad. Your sadness doesn’t diminish your achievements. You can be grateful for your life, your family and friends, your full belly and your comforting bed. Still, nobody has the right to despise your feelings. Nobody has the right to call you ungrateful, if you struggle and they don’t understand. Chances are they’re the source of your distress. If you’re an introvert, self-conscious person, you could be easily bothered by insensitivity. Usually you’ll find it in you’re home and family. As I keep reminding “If I cut you off, chances are you gave me the scissors”, we don’t have to keep others bad behaviour going, for fear. We should risk some losses. We should have the respect we deserve. Kind and patient people often are treated as crazy as soon as they raise their head and voices. But let the show begin!

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