I will kettlebell it !

As an introvert and selfconscius person, I don’t like gyms. I want to workout without the need to exchange pleasantries. So, I workout at home. Every day. It’s true, it works for me. I’ve never felt better in my whole life. I cut my food and chose only the healthy one, but things I enjoyed and worked out every day. First 15 min. on the spinning bike, then 20…, ’till I managed an hour. That’s good for me, because i have some old issues with my knees. When I achieved my healthy weight, I kept focusing on working out and finding happiness in it. When you zone out, or maybe tune out the world and the problems with it, that’s my choice. I learnt not to jump, big no! for my knees, but bodyweight workout, planks… Oh, yes ! Music and peace. My ultimate crush are kettlebells. They are great! They just follow me around the house. Every mundane thing I have to do, I can pick my kettlebell and swing, snatch, give it a go. Rest. I feel powerful and my body, imperfect as it is, never felt better. Because the strength I physically have now, remind me that I am strong inside as well. I just have to swing it. Kettlebells are perfect for the introvert, they don’t take much space and they silently follow you arund. You’ll have all, ALL your body in shape, with fun movements and is nobody business. You can workout when nobody’s watching. Every moment is the right moment. I’m a fighter and a loser, but I’ll kettlebell it ’till the end.