Better off

I’d appreciate if you could just step back, and maybe turn around and keep on running.
I’d appreciate it very much, thanks indeed.
I feel so good in between, my bonding need and my lonesome time.
I do better with no big self-assured people who need their precious asses wiped and liked.
No one is first, no one is best, it’s the things we share with the world that make us worth in some way.
Keep on running while I’m singing out loud and I’m not even sure I’m tuned.

Between the past and the present I was born

Drowned in the deep foggy water
Missing directions to be.
Nothing is real from yesterday
everybody there is petrified.
I cut the rope between now and then
Impossible is to sew it again.
Just let it be lost and gone forever
Doesn’t metter if I’ll be remembered.
It’s me who is gone,
it’s me who was lost.
Now I’m here like a new born
from the middle of the path.

Breaking dreams


I can’t consider what you think about me
It could cost me too much
It could cut me deep.

As long as you see I survived enough
But you need better glasses
It’s just a part, the me in a half.

I don’ t want to talk either, what for?
I just lived my body staring at you
While myself lays indoor.

I need a break, a new dream to catch,
don’t bother to me, don’t even care,
Just let me be the match.

thinking back and forward

as the sun rises his head, I have to think about my nightmares,

not going anywhere anymore, just laying as I stay.

words I had enough and more not spoken, and never to go.

whispers in my ears moving on, looking for the heart colder than ever.

as the glass crushes,my beat smashes my flesh and blood.

crying is a wasted water resource, I wasted enough, dry at all once.

my sight is lost in the far horizon line, always thinking there’s a better place for me.

Silence killer

Never ever live in silence.
Everybody can hurt you when you’re silent.
Scream out loud, let your life be an eternal cry.
Let everybody know your alive, moving in the time-line.
I hold you tight ’cause I can see your light,
you’re so beautiful I can’t express..
my feelings in your hand.

Running in circles

In circles I’m running
going where I don’t care

really smart to consider
all my life from the shore

wave by wave emotions
crush in a crushed devotion

I’m standing in the middle
of this pool of blood

where’s the victim gone?
look there, look better!

a hand’s rising high
no fair… it’s mine.


Every try I give,

I miss the target.

I’m still here,

so I’ll try again.

Soon or later

I’m sure enough,

I’ll be able once

to hit the mark.

On writing a novel… again!

Yes, of course I’m messing around.

Google+ and YouTube and all this stuff, I know I’ll change my mind, ’cause I’m not a chatty one, from time to time can happen, but my phone allergy is not so far from all this things.

But I can proudly say I wrote today, I’m going on and I amused myself with the story and it makes me hope for better.

I feel closer to my fantasy people  and I can focus better on their characters.

The point is to let the fantasy go without being childish.

You have to be mature enough to know that yes, it’s great to create places, stories from zero, but it’s easy, really easy to fall in a boring fairytale.Instead of a catchy novel.

So, my target is to be careful.

I surprised myself, I really did, when I found myself in some hot scenes, and I wrote them!

Keep on going, I really would like to share something soon or later.. we’ll see, it’s not in english.

Love and blessings to all of you

I love myself..I believe

I’m happy to be  me because I’m honest with myself, because I like my thoughts.

Sometimes I really keep me good company .

The thing is.. when someone’s always by your side no matter what, what you feel?

So, I’m grateful I ‘m still in one piece.

Look at me, I’ve been through some holes to hell!

I faced my fears, I’m still looking back from time to time, but what to do with something you never chose?

You don’t choose to lose someone, you don’t choose when the grim is going for a visit, it comes!

I’m on my feet and I’m in good company,I have love and I have to stop with these fears of loss.

I felt abandoned in my childhood, but to lose in these days that’s a different kettle of fish.

I’m fine, I have a dream, I need a project, everybody needs, to go on.

I’m writing every time I can and obviously it’s a hard thing to do, ’cause it’s like the universe notices it sending me distractions every minute.

I’m stubborn with this purpose, I’ll do it.

Don’t worry! I’m writing the story in italian, I know my english is good enough just to communicate, not to write really!

If a day, maybe, let me dream… It will score, maybe you’ll read it.



Omnipotence signs, writer syndrome

37 pages. a list of people all come from my mind and I have to remember them!

They’re starting to live on their own, their past coming to life while I type as I’m possessed by them.

So I’m starting to love them, looking forward to reach the end.

I’m drowning in all the doubts about my incompetence.

I’m positive I’ll finish this story of them, those people life come to life because of me.

I really don’t know what I’ll do after, but I’m enjoying the journey, we’ll see the destination.

I have a world in this ass-head of mine, not sure it could be appreciated, but I’m surprised myself when I look at that.

Thinking about omnipotence, writer syndrome.